A Timeless Tulsa, OK, Tradition: Taking a Tour of Woodward Park and Gardens

Woodward Park and Gardens is a timeless Tulsa, OK, tradition providing delightful memories for generations. Situated on 44 sprawling acres in the heart of Tulsa, the park is a beautiful and serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Filled with colorful gardens, winding paths, and numerous educational activities for children, Woodward Park and Gardens is beloved by locals, who have enjoyed its serenity for many years. Visit this link for more information.

A great way to savor the sights and sounds of Woodward Park and Gardens is to take a tour. The garden paths provide plenty of opportunities to take in the lush greenery, with trees, flowers, and shrubs creating a picturesque environment. Interpretive plaques throughout the park explain the native and exotic plant species, while the Pecan Invitational Garden and the Greenwood Cultural Center provide different educational experiences. Read about Unpacking the Marvels of Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa, OK here.

Along the journey, the visitor can also stop by and explore the historic Hogan Cabin, the Tulsa Rose Garden, and the M.D. Williams Municipal Rose Garden. The park also houses a Natural Playscape where children can explore and discover the wonders of nature. In addition, guided tours are also offered, giving visitors a unique look into the history and culture of the area.

Whether a stroll through the uninterrupted gardens or a guided tour by an experienced docent, a time at Woodward Park and Garden allows visitors to enjoy an unforgettable experience. With its various attractions, educational opportunities, and grandeur, Woodward Park and Gardens is a Tulsa, OK, tradition that will be cherished for years.